Babysitters in Chemainus

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Jewel I.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Chemainus
Hiiii, my name is Jewel, I’m 19 years old and I live in the Chemainus area (:
| I started babysitting at a very young age. Whether it was my cousins, my moms friends kids, or parents I’ve babysat for myself: all in all have given me over 10 years of experience. I found myself to get along and understand kids very well. I love learning about their personalities and interests. Now I know: kids need babysitters but honestly babysitters need kids too! Personally kids are a huge energy builder for me. They instantly spark up my mood and remind me to let loose and have fun. I do appreciate the use of iPads and all that but I like to remind and show kids how much further a level of fun can extend with just your imagination.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Chemainus
Hiiii, my name is Jewel, I’m 19 years old and I live in the Chemainus area (:
| I started babysitting at a very young age. Whether it was my cousins, my moms friends kids, or parents I’ve babysat for myself: all in all have given me over 10 years of experience. I found myself to get along and understand kids very well. I love learning about their personalities and interests. Now I know: kids need babysitters but honestly babysitters need kids too! Personally kids are a huge energy builder for me. They instantly spark up my mood and remind me to let loose and have fun. I do appreciate the use of iPads and all that but I like to remind and show kids how much further a level of fun can extend with just your imagination.
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From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in Chemainus

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