Babysitters in Cowichan Bay

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Mariah M.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Cowichan Bay
Friendly, happy, patient, works well with kids
| I I am the second oldest of 6 siblings so I have grown up babysitting for my mother my whole life. I know how to get along with kids very well, I can cook, clean, help with homework(depending on the grade level, any grade under grade 7 is fine). I already work a full time job, but If I can find someone to babysit full time for, I'd be willing to so that instead.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Cowichan Bay
Friendly, happy, patient, works well with kids
| I I am the second oldest of 6 siblings so I have grown up babysitting for my mother my whole life. I know how to get along with kids very well, I can cook, clean, help with homework(depending on the grade level, any grade under grade 7 is fine). I already work a full time job, but If I can find someone to babysit full time for, I'd be willing to so that instead.
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From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in Cowichan Bay

When do you need child care?