Child Care in Salt Spring Island

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Melanie T.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Salt Spring Island
I can provide the tender loving care as my own family
| I can do anything I know how to prefer breakfast lunch and dinner and I can do the house hold chores.I know to change diaper and ironing the clothes
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Salt Spring Island
I can provide the tender loving care as my own family
| I can do anything I know how to prefer breakfast lunch and dinner and I can do the house hold chores.I know to change diaper and ironing the clothes
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From $14 per hour \
Sofia L.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Salt Spring Island
Calm, kind, creative caregiver available on Salt Spring Island - a gentle and nature based approach!
| Hi there! My name is Sofia, I’m a 26 year old woman newly living on Salt Spring Island. Most of my experience in childcare is informal. I had a much younger brother that I helped take care of (age 3-12). Since September 2019, I’ve been living half of the year with a single mother and her two children, supporting in childcare while she works, household chores etc. The kids were 6 and 9 when I moved in, now are turning 10 and 13. It’s been so special continuing to be a part of their family and watching them grow! Now that I’m moving to Salt Spring, I am looking for other work with children on the island. A little more about me: I’m trained as a clinical herbalist. I’m passionate about health and natural living, connected to our bodies and the outside world. I love to spend as much time in nature as possible! I’m also in the process of completing a doula course. I’m an artistic creative person. I love to make art, read and write! People describe me as calm and present - I’m patient and gentle, with strong values of good communication. If I feel like a good match for you and your family, I’d love to hear from you!
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Salt Spring Island
Calm, kind, creative caregiver available on Salt Spring Island - a gentle and nature based approach!
| Hi there! My name is Sofia, I’m a 26 year old woman newly living on Salt Spring Island. Most of my experience in childcare is informal. I had a much younger brother that I helped take care of (age 3-12). Since September 2019, I’ve been living half of the year with a single mother and her two children, supporting in childcare while she works, household chores etc. The kids were 6 and 9 when I moved in, now are turning 10 and 13. It’s been so special continuing to be a part of their family and watching them grow! Now that I’m moving to Salt Spring, I am looking for other work with children on the island. A little more about me: I’m trained as a clinical herbalist. I’m passionate about health and natural living, connected to our bodies and the outside world. I love to spend as much time in nature as possible! I’m also in the process of completing a doula course. I’m an artistic creative person. I love to make art, read and write! People describe me as calm and present - I’m patient and gentle, with strong values of good communication. If I feel like a good match for you and your family, I’d love to hear from you!
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From $20 per hour \
Tira N.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Salt Spring Island
1 Verification
Child Caretaker
| I really love taking care of kids and love to engage them through arts, crafts, games, puzzles, reading, baking and cooking, building, plus anything creative that exercises the imagination. I also love to spend time outside and exploring, and teaching kids about geography and language learning (I know a fair bit of French, a bit of Italian and American Sign Language). I am very energetic, sensitive and attentive and focus on kindness, empathy and teaching kids about what being "a good friend" is about. I have experience with kids between the ages of 12 months to 12 years old and I have references. I like to spark children's interest and make the time when they cannot be with their family fun. Rates depend on the job.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Salt Spring Island
Child Caretaker
| I really love taking care of kids and love to engage them through arts, crafts, games, puzzles, reading, baking and cooking, building, plus anything creative that exercises the imagination. I also love to spend time outside and exploring, and teaching kids about geography and language learning (I know a fair bit of French, a bit of Italian and American Sign Language). I am very energetic, sensitive and attentive and focus on kindness, empathy and teaching kids about what being "a good friend" is about. I have experience with kids between the ages of 12 months to 12 years old and I have references. I like to spark children's interest and make the time when they cannot be with their family fun. Rates depend on the job.
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From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Salt Spring Island

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