Babysitters in Tweed

Select from 46 babysitters near you.

When do you need child care?
Darla V.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Tweed
Child care Tweed Ontario
| I have raised four children of my own. Cared for many preschool children and babies and have two grand kids, l look after a lot. I am wanting to care for children in my home, once again. I love kids, especially babies. I have patience and a lot of experience.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Tweed
Child care Tweed Ontario
| I have raised four children of my own. Cared for many preschool children and babies and have two grand kids, l look after a lot. I am wanting to care for children in my home, once again. I love kids, especially babies. I have patience and a lot of experience.
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From $15 per hour \
Makayla B.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Tweed
I have experience babysitting ages from months old to the teenage years.
| I have experience working with children of all ages, I also have experience working with children with disabilities and youths that require extra assistance. I am able to provide assistance academically with tutoring, I am enthusiastic in creating fun ways of learning and educational teachings. I can cook fun and tasty foods and snacks, and am more than willing to clean up any messes that need to be attended to! I am the big sister to two amazing siblings and have watched them grow through their young years to their present. I have been a part of their learning and assisted them with schooling as I am a college student with experience with all subjects. I am creative with making learning fun and insuring all kids are included and having fun! I love to cook and clean, and love teaching children how to be involved with learning these essential skills too! My job is to make sure they all are safe and having fun!
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Tweed
I have experience babysitting ages from months old to the teenage years.
| I have experience working with children of all ages, I also have experience working with children with disabilities and youths that require extra assistance. I am able to provide assistance academically with tutoring, I am enthusiastic in creating fun ways of learning and educational teachings. I can cook fun and tasty foods and snacks, and am more than willing to clean up any messes that need to be attended to! I am the big sister to two amazing siblings and have watched them grow through their young years to their present. I have been a part of their learning and assisted them with schooling as I am a college student with experience with all subjects. I am creative with making learning fun and insuring all kids are included and having fun! I love to cook and clean, and love teaching children how to be involved with learning these essential skills too! My job is to make sure they all are safe and having fun!
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From $16 per hour \
Jaequin C.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Tweed
The child always comes first!
| Hi, My name is Jaequin, I have been a babysitter since I was 12 years old and it is something I have always enjoyed doing. I am currently attending Centennial College in their Child and Youth Care program. I am going to be home from early May until the end of July and I’m looking for a job during that time period. I have babysat for many families and have lots of experience working with children that have special needs. I also love arts and crafts.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Tweed
The child always comes first!
| Hi, My name is Jaequin, I have been a babysitter since I was 12 years old and it is something I have always enjoyed doing. I am currently attending Centennial College in their Child and Youth Care program. I am going to be home from early May until the end of July and I’m looking for a job during that time period. I have babysat for many families and have lots of experience working with children that have special needs. I also love arts and crafts.
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From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in Tweed

When do you need child care?