Babysitters in Deseronto

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Cassandra W.
  • From $12 /hr
  • Deseronto
First Aid CPR with AED certified Babysitter
| I am First Aid, CPR and AED certified. I am a very good cook and love to bake with children of appropriate age to help. I Excel at most subjects. I am very respectful of others and their property, I will always make sure the house remains clean and well maintained during my time in the home and follow instructions and set routines
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Deseronto
First Aid CPR with AED certified Babysitter
| I am First Aid, CPR and AED certified. I am a very good cook and love to bake with children of appropriate age to help. I Excel at most subjects. I am very respectful of others and their property, I will always make sure the house remains clean and well maintained during my time in the home and follow instructions and set routines
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From $12 per hour \
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Babysitters in Deseronto

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