Babysitters in Plainfield

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Kim D.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Plainfield
I am a retired RECE with 20 years experience. Mom of 3 and Nana to a 5 month old.
| I was employed at TDSB as a RECE for 20 years. I worked in several grades and the last 10 years in Kindergarten and I absolutely loved it! I retired with my husband and relocated to Plainfield. We have 3 grown children and our first grand baby is 5 months and is our hearts. I also have 2 dogs so animals are not an issue.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Plainfield
I am a retired RECE with 20 years experience. Mom of 3 and Nana to a 5 month old.
| I was employed at TDSB as a RECE for 20 years. I worked in several grades and the last 10 years in Kindergarten and I absolutely loved it! I retired with my husband and relocated to Plainfield. We have 3 grown children and our first grand baby is 5 months and is our hearts. I also have 2 dogs so animals are not an issue.
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From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in Plainfield

When do you need child care?