Babysitters in Sechelt

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Maya C.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Sechelt
Like getting a big sister who’s nice
| Hello my names maya, I’m 20 years old, I am based out of Tuwanek and have a love for taking care in all lengths of life. I have always loved kids and spending time with them I like to believe I’m a comfortable and enjoyable person for kids to be around. I love cooking, baking, nature, gardening, art, music, video games, Sports. You name it I can par take! I look at the kids I watch as my own family and treat them with care and love not as a task for a job, kids are human too with thoughts desires and feelings. Growing up in a house hold that I had a special needs brother I very quickly learned the proper ways to deal with large emotion, displaced emotion and over all communication when it comes to conflict ect. If you feel that I would be a good fit for you family, I’ll be more then ecstatic to join you.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Sechelt
Like getting a big sister who’s nice
| Hello my names maya, I’m 20 years old, I am based out of Tuwanek and have a love for taking care in all lengths of life. I have always loved kids and spending time with them I like to believe I’m a comfortable and enjoyable person for kids to be around. I love cooking, baking, nature, gardening, art, music, video games, Sports. You name it I can par take! I look at the kids I watch as my own family and treat them with care and love not as a task for a job, kids are human too with thoughts desires and feelings. Growing up in a house hold that I had a special needs brother I very quickly learned the proper ways to deal with large emotion, displaced emotion and over all communication when it comes to conflict ect. If you feel that I would be a good fit for you family, I’ll be more then ecstatic to join you.
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From $20 per hour \
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Babysitters in Sechelt

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