Babysitters in Roberts Creek

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Aime V.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Roberts Creek
1 Verification
I'm a natural teacher, love creativity, and learning.
| Growing up as the eldest sibling and eldest cousin of 6, I held a lot of responsibility when it came to babysitting and taking care of others. I loved playing games such as teacher, dance recitals, and often took the role of leader and organizer at a young age. As I've gotten older, and now have nieces, I continue to lean into this care giving role for children.
... more
  • From $25 /hr
  • Roberts Creek
I'm a natural teacher, love creativity, and learning.
| Growing up as the eldest sibling and eldest cousin of 6, I held a lot of responsibility when it came to babysitting and taking care of others. I loved playing games such as teacher, dance recitals, and often took the role of leader and organizer at a young age. As I've gotten older, and now have nieces, I continue to lean into this care giving role for children.
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From $25 per hour \
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Babysitters in Roberts Creek

When do you need child care?