Pet Care in Sechelt

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Sharon D.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Sechelt
1 Verification
Experienced Pet Caregiver.
| Mature and experienced pet caregiver. Enrolled in TRU’s (Thompson River University) Small Pet Welfare Program. I provide pet walking, sitting, and basic pet care. I am mature, responsible and have excellent references.
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  • From $10
  • Sechelt
Experienced Pet Caregiver.
| Mature and experienced pet caregiver. Enrolled in TRU’s (Thompson River University) Small Pet Welfare Program. I provide pet walking, sitting, and basic pet care. I am mature, responsible and have excellent references.
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From $10 \
Sue D.
  • From $10
  • Sechelt
Dog/cat/house sitter with trans. $ includes walks; meals & grooming. Ref available
| I've had dogs & cats in my family all my life until a few years ago. I have always been the “go to” pet/house sitter for family and friends. I recently retired and missed the companionship a pet provides. So now I am pet/house sitting on a professional level. Repeat customers pets are always excited and happy to see me. They appear right at home at my house which has a fenced back yard. I love them as I have my own pets but will always abide to any rules; restrictions or diet that you may have in place for them. I am just as happy to sit at my home or yours but would ask that your pet be house trained if you wish me to sit them at my house. If you have a large dog I would ask that he be able to walk ok on a leash without consistently pulling
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  • From $10
  • Sechelt
Dog/cat/house sitter with trans. $ includes walks; meals & grooming. Ref available
| I've had dogs & cats in my family all my life until a few years ago. I have always been the “go to” pet/house sitter for family and friends. I recently retired and missed the companionship a pet provides. So now I am pet/house sitting on a professional level. Repeat customers pets are always excited and happy to see me. They appear right at home at my house which has a fenced back yard. I love them as I have my own pets but will always abide to any rules; restrictions or diet that you may have in place for them. I am just as happy to sit at my home or yours but would ask that your pet be house trained if you wish me to sit them at my house. If you have a large dog I would ask that he be able to walk ok on a leash without consistently pulling
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From $10 \
Alexa C.
1 Verification
  • From $15
  • Sechelt
1 Verification
Friendly , responsible dog walker and pet sitter
| I have had many pets over the years and I think I would be an excellent pet sitter / dog walker :) my name is Alexa , I live in a nice neighborhood where there is trails and I can take your dog on walks and even socialize your dog with other dogs , I’ve always loved doggies growing up . Please text me to set something up .
... more
  • From $15
  • Sechelt
Friendly , responsible dog walker and pet sitter
| I have had many pets over the years and I think I would be an excellent pet sitter / dog walker :) my name is Alexa , I live in a nice neighborhood where there is trails and I can take your dog on walks and even socialize your dog with other dogs , I’ve always loved doggies growing up . Please text me to set something up .
... more
From $15 \
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Pet Care in Sechelt

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