Babysitters in New Dundee

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Katie C.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • New Dundee
1 Verification
Experienced Babysitter Looking for New Families to Babysit For
| Hi, I'm Katie and I absolutely love being around children. I'm a lifeguard and swimming instructor and I also work at a children's summer camp, which has helped make me very comfortable with kids (and also makes me First Aid certified). I have babysat children from birth as a foster team for an abandoned newborn up to grade 6, and I am comfortable with all ages. I get around the Niagara area via public transportation (like a professional!) and I am willing to help out with household tasks you might need some extra hands with. In addition to this, I have also been a tutor for various kids in subject areas including math, science and French (and if your child is at the age to have homework in these subject areas, I would be delighted to help them complete their homework). I would be happy to chat if you'd be interested in me babysitting!
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  • From $15 /hr
  • New Dundee
Experienced Babysitter Looking for New Families to Babysit For
| Hi, I'm Katie and I absolutely love being around children. I'm a lifeguard and swimming instructor and I also work at a children's summer camp, which has helped make me very comfortable with kids (and also makes me First Aid certified). I have babysat children from birth as a foster team for an abandoned newborn up to grade 6, and I am comfortable with all ages. I get around the Niagara area via public transportation (like a professional!) and I am willing to help out with household tasks you might need some extra hands with. In addition to this, I have also been a tutor for various kids in subject areas including math, science and French (and if your child is at the age to have homework in these subject areas, I would be delighted to help them complete their homework). I would be happy to chat if you'd be interested in me babysitting!
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in New Dundee

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