Babysitters in Breslau

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Becca W.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Breslau
7+ Years of an Experienced Babysitter
| I am currently in my fourth year of the Bachelor of Early Program Development at Conestoga College! In doing this, I will be graduating in May 2021 and will be able to become an RECE. Then continuing my education at Western in September for the Bachelor of Education Program (in hopes of becoming a kindergarten teacher!) I have over 7+years of working in the day and overnight camps, babysitting, placements in kindergarten classrooms and daycares. Due to the pandemic, It has been hard to find summer working with children. I applied to the Township of Woolwich summer camps and will be working July/August. But I am seeking full-time work for May and June. If you are looking for a babysitter for those coming months or I am always looking for part-time/occasional babysitting feel free to contact me!
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Breslau
7+ Years of an Experienced Babysitter
| I am currently in my fourth year of the Bachelor of Early Program Development at Conestoga College! In doing this, I will be graduating in May 2021 and will be able to become an RECE. Then continuing my education at Western in September for the Bachelor of Education Program (in hopes of becoming a kindergarten teacher!) I have over 7+years of working in the day and overnight camps, babysitting, placements in kindergarten classrooms and daycares. Due to the pandemic, It has been hard to find summer working with children. I applied to the Township of Woolwich summer camps and will be working July/August. But I am seeking full-time work for May and June. If you are looking for a babysitter for those coming months or I am always looking for part-time/occasional babysitting feel free to contact me!
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From $15 per hour \
Rylea S.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Breslau
Available to babysit as soon as possible
| Hello! My name is Rylea, and I am passionate about taking care of kids through babysitting. I have experience in babysitting sons and daughters of family friends and cousins. I love getting to know each child and catering to their needs while having fun and engaging in different activities!
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Breslau
Available to babysit as soon as possible
| Hello! My name is Rylea, and I am passionate about taking care of kids through babysitting. I have experience in babysitting sons and daughters of family friends and cousins. I love getting to know each child and catering to their needs while having fun and engaging in different activities!
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From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in Breslau

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