Tutors in New Dundee

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Katie C.
1 Verification
  • From $9 /hr
  • New Dundee
1 Verification
Experienced Tutor Looking for Extra Jobs
| Hi, I'm Katie and I would love to help out with tutoring your child(ren)! I am a high school graduate currently in a year off between high school and university and I am looking for extra work on top of my part time job. I have experience tutoring in High School French (and I have my certificate of completion of the core French stream), but I have also helped children struggling in math or science while babysitting them. I was particularly successful in high school science which is also an asset. Let me know if you'd be interested in my help, I'd love to hear from you!
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  • From $9 /hr
  • New Dundee
Experienced Tutor Looking for Extra Jobs
| Hi, I'm Katie and I would love to help out with tutoring your child(ren)! I am a high school graduate currently in a year off between high school and university and I am looking for extra work on top of my part time job. I have experience tutoring in High School French (and I have my certificate of completion of the core French stream), but I have also helped children struggling in math or science while babysitting them. I was particularly successful in high school science which is also an asset. Let me know if you'd be interested in my help, I'd love to hear from you!
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From $9 per hour \
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Tutors in New Dundee

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