Babysitters in Luskville

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Janie L.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Luskville
I am the one your family will fall in love with.
| I worked in day camps for 4years I was babysitting 2babys of 10months for 8months (until the daycare had place for them) im coaching soccer with kids of all ages. I used to work at my moms day care for Quebec En Forme. I'm really active and need to always do something, can be activities with the kids or cleaning, i will always be doing something productive.
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Luskville
I am the one your family will fall in love with.
| I worked in day camps for 4years I was babysitting 2babys of 10months for 8months (until the daycare had place for them) im coaching soccer with kids of all ages. I used to work at my moms day care for Quebec En Forme. I'm really active and need to always do something, can be activities with the kids or cleaning, i will always be doing something productive.
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From $14 per hour \
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Babysitters in Luskville

When do you need child care?