Babysitters in Braeside

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Mary D.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Braeside
Experienced and responsible babysitter for hire!
| "Hello! My name is Mary and I'm a responsible and experienced babysitter. I provide a safe and fun environment for your children while you're away. With my background in babysitting and positive attitude, I ensure that your kids are well taken care of and entertained. I'm available for afternoon and evening babysitting sessions. Feel free to reach out if you need a reliable babysitter for your little ones!
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Braeside
Experienced and responsible babysitter for hire!
| "Hello! My name is Mary and I'm a responsible and experienced babysitter. I provide a safe and fun environment for your children while you're away. With my background in babysitting and positive attitude, I ensure that your kids are well taken care of and entertained. I'm available for afternoon and evening babysitting sessions. Feel free to reach out if you need a reliable babysitter for your little ones!
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Babysitters in Braeside

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