Pet Care in Luskville

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Garderie Animale Luskville Pet Care
  • From $18
  • Luskville
Pet Boarding and Sitting in Cottage Country
| Hi there, I do drop-ins at your home to feed and take out your furry friend. There is also the option of boarding your dog at my home. During boarding, I do at least 2 walks per day, often on the beach. I have a fenced area and yard and dogs get to stay in a family setting. My business is I sired, therefore your pets are covered should anything happen. I’m trained in Veterinary Public Health and Pet First Aid/CPR. Please feel free to contact me for more info.
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  • From $18
  • Luskville
Pet Boarding and Sitting in Cottage Country
| Hi there, I do drop-ins at your home to feed and take out your furry friend. There is also the option of boarding your dog at my home. During boarding, I do at least 2 walks per day, often on the beach. I have a fenced area and yard and dogs get to stay in a family setting. My business is I sired, therefore your pets are covered should anything happen. I’m trained in Veterinary Public Health and Pet First Aid/CPR. Please feel free to contact me for more info.
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From $18 \
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Pet Care in Luskville

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