Pet Care in Cantley

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Héléne B.
  • From $10
  • Cantley
Dedicated young senior
| Je suis expérimentée avec les animaux et j’aime bien leur compagnie. Il me fera plaisir de découvrir les vøtres. I have been sharing my life with cats and dogs since I was a child ###...#### was quite a long time ago. Being retired, I now have more time to do what I like best and caring for animals makes me quite happy. Playing with them, exercising ans spending time with your pet would be my pleasure.
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  • From $10
  • Cantley
Dedicated young senior
| Je suis expérimentée avec les animaux et j’aime bien leur compagnie. Il me fera plaisir de découvrir les vøtres. I have been sharing my life with cats and dogs since I was a child ###...#### was quite a long time ago. Being retired, I now have more time to do what I like best and caring for animals makes me quite happy. Playing with them, exercising ans spending time with your pet would be my pleasure.
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From $10 \
Caroline B.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Cantley
1 Verification
Big Heart, full of smiles and energy. Warning: I'll fall in love with your pet at first sight! Pet sitter
| Bilingual (English/French) I have cared for dogs and cats my entire life. Whether it would be my own or others. They are little (sometimes no so little) balls of joy that just fill life with smiles. Couldn’t imagine my life without them. I’m currently the mother of two beautiful dogs and 3 boys. I'm an active person that's always looking for a reason to be outside walking/running. It would be my pleasure to provide the care you need for your love ones.
... more
  • From $10
  • Cantley
Big Heart, full of smiles and energy. Warning: I'll fall in love with your pet at first sight! Pet sitter
| Bilingual (English/French) I have cared for dogs and cats my entire life. Whether it would be my own or others. They are little (sometimes no so little) balls of joy that just fill life with smiles. Couldn’t imagine my life without them. I’m currently the mother of two beautiful dogs and 3 boys. I'm an active person that's always looking for a reason to be outside walking/running. It would be my pleasure to provide the care you need for your love ones.
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From $10 \
Mackenzie P.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Cantley
1 Verification
a second mom to your babies when you are busy :)
| I have owned dogs, cats, birds, and small animals all my life! I love animals they are my hobby I am an outdoor person and I love to have a buddy tag along with me, I will take care of your pet like it is my own! I love all animals
... more
  • From $10
  • Cantley
a second mom to your babies when you are busy :)
| I have owned dogs, cats, birds, and small animals all my life! I love animals they are my hobby I am an outdoor person and I love to have a buddy tag along with me, I will take care of your pet like it is my own! I love all animals
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Cantley

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