Babysitters in East Dover

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Staphanie T.
  • From $14 /hr
  • East Dover
I can cook food I can take care of a child as my own children as well.
| Have a nice day first of all thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself. I believe the strengths that I have are a great match for this position and industry. I'm confident, problem solver and taking responsibility for my professional development. My short term goal is to get a job. And my long term goal is to achieve a good position we're I can built my career and help the organization too. And to repay the trust that you have shown me on this position I will do my best and fulfill my duties....
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  • From $14 /hr
  • East Dover
I can cook food I can take care of a child as my own children as well.
| Have a nice day first of all thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself. I believe the strengths that I have are a great match for this position and industry. I'm confident, problem solver and taking responsibility for my professional development. My short term goal is to get a job. And my long term goal is to achieve a good position we're I can built my career and help the organization too. And to repay the trust that you have shown me on this position I will do my best and fulfill my duties....
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From $14 per hour \
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Babysitters in East Dover

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