Babysitters in Beechville

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Yeawah C.
  • From $50 /hr
  • Beechville
Babysitting Yeawah
| I am good with the kids I am 20 years old I am in college I started babysitting my little brother since he was 1 year old and my nephews
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  • From $50 /hr
  • Beechville
Babysitting Yeawah
| I am good with the kids I am 20 years old I am in college I started babysitting my little brother since he was 1 year old and my nephews
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From $50 per hour \
Fatima A.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Beechville
1 Verification
I am kind , hard working, have a positive attitude, and a good Communicator who likes to have fun !
| I have been working with children since the age of 15. i started baby sitting at the age of 15 from children of age 1 to 12. I as well use to be a camp leader at age 15 as well as a camp supervisor working with children ages 5 to 15. I then went on to NSCC and received my Child and Youth Care diploma. This helped me get a job at a residential home, working with children from 12 to 18 years old. I did day to day basics with them such as taking them to their appointments, making meals, giving them their meds, doing different outdoor or indoor activities with them. I as well now work for a morning and after school program with Halifax regional education called Excel. I work with children ages 4-12. I take their attendance, facilitate indoor and outdoor activities with them, chat with the parents, and use my first Aid kit when needed.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Beechville
I am kind , hard working, have a positive attitude, and a good Communicator who likes to have fun !
| I have been working with children since the age of 15. i started baby sitting at the age of 15 from children of age 1 to 12. I as well use to be a camp leader at age 15 as well as a camp supervisor working with children ages 5 to 15. I then went on to NSCC and received my Child and Youth Care diploma. This helped me get a job at a residential home, working with children from 12 to 18 years old. I did day to day basics with them such as taking them to their appointments, making meals, giving them their meds, doing different outdoor or indoor activities with them. I as well now work for a morning and after school program with Halifax regional education called Excel. I work with children ages 4-12. I take their attendance, facilitate indoor and outdoor activities with them, chat with the parents, and use my first Aid kit when needed.
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From $15 per hour \
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Babysitters in Beechville

When do you need child care?