Babysitters in Lucasville

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Georgina M.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Lucasville
I'm looking to babysit mon-fri to earn some extra income, and I have lots of experience:)
| Hi! Im georgina & I have spent lots of time with kids as well as growing up with my 2 sisters. Never a dull moment. I'm a big cleaner, I live in Lucasville, I have 2 puppies and have cared for many others so I am farrrr more than capable of caring and loving for animals as well:) I love being outdoors & finding new fun activities to do. I'm quite creative in the kitchen I love trying to make new things, I also am 5 years licensed so transportation is never a problem:)
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Lucasville
I'm looking to babysit mon-fri to earn some extra income, and I have lots of experience:)
| Hi! Im georgina & I have spent lots of time with kids as well as growing up with my 2 sisters. Never a dull moment. I'm a big cleaner, I live in Lucasville, I have 2 puppies and have cared for many others so I am farrrr more than capable of caring and loving for animals as well:) I love being outdoors & finding new fun activities to do. I'm quite creative in the kitchen I love trying to make new things, I also am 5 years licensed so transportation is never a problem:)
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Babysitters in Lucasville

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