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I am a young hardworking guy from Ghana who is able to work for different kind of people. With my experience I had working with one will give me more experience if I get the opportunity. Will hope to work to your excitement
... more
From $14
1 years experience
Age: 29
East Dover
Application as a special care giver
I am a young hardworking guy from Ghana who is able to work for different kind of people. With my experience I had working with one will give me more experience if I get the opportunity. Will hope to work to your excitement
Caring professional assessment care provided to all clients....because each client needs will be different families can rest assure that there love ones will be provided with love and care in a professional and efficient manner.
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From $14
3 years experience
Age: 50
East Dover
Peace of mind for you and your loved one
Caring professional assessment care provided to all clients....because each client needs will be different families can rest assure that there love ones will be provided with love and care in a professional and efficient manner.
... more
From $14
per hour
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for special needs caregivers in East Dover is between $16 and $20