Child Care in Azilda

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Amanda W.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Azilda
Experienced care taker looking to connect with a family!
| Hi, I’m a very experienced care taker. I’ve taken my ECE and the child and youth care practioner program at Cambrian (5 years of schooling geared towards working with children) I’ve worked in the childcare field for many years, and would love the opportunity to work as a nanny! I’m reliable and have a positive calm personality. My passion is working with children and being there to support growth and development!
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Azilda
Experienced care taker looking to connect with a family!
| Hi, I’m a very experienced care taker. I’ve taken my ECE and the child and youth care practioner program at Cambrian (5 years of schooling geared towards working with children) I’ve worked in the childcare field for many years, and would love the opportunity to work as a nanny! I’m reliable and have a positive calm personality. My passion is working with children and being there to support growth and development!
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From $20 per hour \
Sajina S.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Azilda
1 Verification
Loving and Reliable Child Caregiver
| I am a patient, loving, and reliable caregiver who loves spending time with children. Though I don’t have formal experience in child care, I have spent significant time caring for 45 children aged 6-14 in an orphanage. I’m also certified in CPR, ensuring that I can provide a safe environment for kids. I enjoy creating a warm and nurturing atmosphere and love pets, so I can bring extra warmth and care to any home.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Azilda
Loving and Reliable Child Caregiver
| I am a patient, loving, and reliable caregiver who loves spending time with children. Though I don’t have formal experience in child care, I have spent significant time caring for 45 children aged 6-14 in an orphanage. I’m also certified in CPR, ensuring that I can provide a safe environment for kids. I enjoy creating a warm and nurturing atmosphere and love pets, so I can bring extra warmth and care to any home.
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From $17 per hour \
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Child Care in Azilda

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