Child Care in Naughton

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Maggie C.
1 Verification
  • From $20 /hr
  • Naughton
1 Verification
A healthy body results in a healthy well stimulated mind.
| Hi there! I would describe myself as a dependable and self-confident babysitter. I simply enjoy spending time with children. I pride myself on being able to relate and play with children. I can spend the day at home coloring, dancing, and playing eye spy, or I am all for local parks/adventures. It's very easy for me to connect with kids and I believe that is the most important part of child care. I am a healthy balance of a fun loving/patient attitude, and assertive when needed. I understand the importance of my role, and I'm willing to take on that responsibility. My references are by request. Thank you!
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Naughton
A healthy body results in a healthy well stimulated mind.
| Hi there! I would describe myself as a dependable and self-confident babysitter. I simply enjoy spending time with children. I pride myself on being able to relate and play with children. I can spend the day at home coloring, dancing, and playing eye spy, or I am all for local parks/adventures. It's very easy for me to connect with kids and I believe that is the most important part of child care. I am a healthy balance of a fun loving/patient attitude, and assertive when needed. I understand the importance of my role, and I'm willing to take on that responsibility. My references are by request. Thank you!
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Naughton

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