Pet Care in Azilda

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Lise B.
1 Verification
  • From $20
  • Azilda
1 Verification
Loving Animal Caregiver Services Offered
| My name is Lise. I’ve been nursing for over 20 years. My children are older and have left the house and I was looking for something to occupy my time. I have a soft spot for animals and love to give them my time and attention. Please reach out if you are looking for anyone to look out for your pets while you are away.
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  • From $20
  • Azilda
Loving Animal Caregiver Services Offered
| My name is Lise. I’ve been nursing for over 20 years. My children are older and have left the house and I was looking for something to occupy my time. I have a soft spot for animals and love to give them my time and attention. Please reach out if you are looking for anyone to look out for your pets while you are away.
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From $20 \
Kyanna B.
  • From $15
  • Azilda
I’m Kyanna and if you need a sitter for your animal whether it be a small dog to a horse, i’m here!
| I have a horse, a dog and a cat and i’ve had a fish and bunny before.
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  • From $15
  • Azilda
I’m Kyanna and if you need a sitter for your animal whether it be a small dog to a horse, i’m here!
| I have a horse, a dog and a cat and i’ve had a fish and bunny before.
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From $15 \
Kaelyn N.
1 Verification
  • From $10
  • Azilda
1 Verification
Nursing student who loves providing care!
| I currently own a large breed Shiba-Inu Lab mix who is 3 years old, a Puggle who is 11 years old, and another beagle mix who is 7 years old. I also have a cat and several birds. I love animals and children and love to help out when I can. I'm a 23 year old nursing student who is CPR and first aid certified. I have many years experience in babysitting both humans and fur babies.
... more
  • From $10
  • Azilda
Nursing student who loves providing care!
| I currently own a large breed Shiba-Inu Lab mix who is 3 years old, a Puggle who is 11 years old, and another beagle mix who is 7 years old. I also have a cat and several birds. I love animals and children and love to help out when I can. I'm a 23 year old nursing student who is CPR and first aid certified. I have many years experience in babysitting both humans and fur babies.
... more
From $10 \
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Pet Care in Azilda

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