Babysitters in Brimbank

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Cadence S.
  • From $25 /hr
  • Keilor Park
1 1 Verification Hired Once
Compassion carer helping growth and joy!
| I have been looking after children since I was 16. I also took care of my younger sister from an early age. I teach kids how to dance and I am also a qualified swim teacher so I know how to keep an eye on more than one child at a time. I know how to keep children entertaining as well as listen to their needs.
Cadence was fantastic! She looked after my 11yo and 9yo for about 5 hours one evening (including ensuring they ate their dinner and got into bed on time), and my kids loved her. She was very polite and well spoken and very warm and approachable. I definitely recommend Cadence for looking after little people. :)"
... "more
Reviewed by Felicity R.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Brimbank is between $25 and $32
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Babysitters in Brimbank

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