Babysitters in Moreland

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Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Moreland is between $25 and $32
Marcela M.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Pascoe Vale
I’m a dedicated mom and good kindergarten assistant. Always I do my best!
| Personal qualities: Languages: Native Spanish speaker and English. Responsible, cheerful, creative, patient, clean, empathy and educated. Education: Veterinary medicine-2012 University of LaSalle Bogota, Colombia. Course in comprehensive attention to early childhood-2014 Servicio Nacional de aprendizaje SENA. Bogotá, Colombia. Experience: CASUAL BABYSITTING 2017 – Currently Mrs Viviana Avila, Melbourne, Australia. • Care for a girl aged 2 years old. • Supervise child’s activity in mother’s absence. • Prepare meals to ensure child ate fully and on time. • Escorted on outings to parks. • Designed creative games and activities to keep child engaged. Mrs Paola Salamanca. Melbourne, Australia • Care for a girl 1 year old during parents absence • Ensure child well bathed, fed and in bed before parents return. • Play with child and read bedtime stories. • Create educational games that improve her knowledge. Worked at ‘’Liceo infantil el portal de los muñecos’’. Bogota, Colombia 2015 • Teaching alphabet and numeracy along with personal social and emotional skills. • Organizing learning material and resources. • Setting up the snack time. • Teaching children how to go to the toilet and cleaning them when necessary. Looked after a 2 years old boy. Ashburn, Virginia, USA 2010 • Night time care during parent’s absence. • Ensure child well bathed, fed and in bed before parents return. • Play with child and read bedtime stories.
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Babysitters in Moreland

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