Babysitters in Melton

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Raelene S.
  • From $30 /hr
  • Hillside
1 1 Verification
Lots of love and care.
| I am a mother of 5 children my oldest is 21 years old and my youngest is 6. I have 3 girls and 2 boys. I am very patient and love children. I thought why not have a job that im great at.. Please feel free to message me.
I had the absolutely lovely Raelene to look after my 8 year old twins over the weekend. Raelene came an hour earlier to ensure both the children and myself were comfortable & was warm, attentive & hands on & fun. My girls went to the park, baked a cake and had a lovely time! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Raelene & we are looking forward to having her back with us as soon as we can."
... "more
Reviewed by NDmJN l.
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for babysitters in Melton is between $24 and $31
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Babysitters in Melton

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