Oakland University

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Caregivers attending Oakland University

Caron O.'s Photo

Caron O.|Detroit, MI

$10-25/hr 10 yrs exp 41 yrs old

Full/Part-Time Availability

Throughout the 10+ years of being a nanny, I have worked with children from newborn babies to teens. The first family that I nannied for lasted almost three years. The children were1, 4 and 6 when I started. I did many things with the children as far as daily activities go. I prepared meals, bathed, helped with school work, entertained them with activities and outings. I was also their housekeeper, ran errands to help and traveled with the family a lot. The father played for the NBA so things were very busy around their house. The second family I nannied for lasted several years. The girls were 4 and 8 when I started. Both of the parents were lawyers and were very busy. I did all the things for the girls that a nanny would do. They were very involved in sports, so a big part of my job was getting the girls to and from school and practices each day along with making sure they got school work done and were fed. I was also their housekeeper and frequent dog sitter. I started my third nanny job doing a share with my previous. There were 3 children when I started; they were 2, 4 and 7 and the 4th on the way. I gained a ton of experience working with newborns during this position. I currently have taken a couple years off from working full time with children to try out new things. I realize that working with and being around children is my passion. I'm very eager to find a good fit with a family to connect and work with.
Background Check
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