Full Time
$15 – 28/hr
Southlake, TX
Fully time nanny will work 12-7 Monday through Thursday and Friday from 12-5.
Part time nanny will work mornings from 630 to 930 Mon-Friday.
Both positions will have opportunities to work some weekends if they would like.
Pay ranges from $20-$25 based on experience.
Kids are 3 and 4-year-old boys and a 6-year-old girl.
Need help getting kids ready for school, meal prep, cleaning kids rooms, common areas, picking kids up from school and to and from activities and bath time. A car is provided for taking kids to school and activities.
Should speak English fluently, we a very good driver, be highly dependable, willing to discipline, emphasize healthy eating habits and manners. Should have experience with taking care of multiple toddlers as they can be challenging.
Will require a full back ground check and references.