Part Time
$14 – 25/hr
Greensburg, PA
Our toddler is full of energy and loves to play. He also loves to watch Bluey and snuggle. Our 4-month-old can be a bit tricky - she has reflux so she can get cranky. But when it's under control, she is a little sweetheart.
Our toddler will need help eating and with diaper changes. He also goes down to nap after lunch, so putting him down for his nap. Our 4-month-old will need bottle fed and put down for naps.
Able to multitask and not be afraid of a slightly cranky reflux baby, has energy to match our 2-year-old, and doesn't mind helping him eat!
We have a driveway which has room for 6 cars in it, or a little less if you have a big truck.
We have one dog. He is a lab/Aussie mix. He is very playful, but likes his space too.