Part Time
$26 – 36/hr
Franklin, MA
Tutoring for my youngest son. He is such a sweet kid that's a little behind on what he needs to know to get into a private school. I have been trying to teach him myself, but being his mother, he doesn't want to do his lessons and gets easily distracted. We have a big family. He has 3 other brother's and a baby sister. His older brother is going to a private school in north Attleboro that I would like him to attend as well. He is behind on knowing his ABCs and numbers. Looking for someone that would come over for an hour once a week and help my little guy with his academics. If more than once a week is needed we can discuss it. He also has a little bit of a speech problem where he doesn't say his R's and S's. I have been looking to get him into speech therapy. If anyone has background in that, please reach out!