Hi!!!! I'm Ashley!
I grew up in a family of 10 and loved every second of it! I spent most of my life in Ohio, then moved to Pennsylvania before my freshman year of high school. I've been at BYU for the last two years, studying Special Education, with some math on the side.
I've been around kids and babies my entire life, and...
Ashley can also help with: Carpooling, light cleaning, grocery shopping, swimming supervision, travel, meal prep & more
I have been baby-sitting and nannying for the past 10 years for multiple different families in my neighborhood as well as for a prestigious nanny referral company. I spent a summer babysitting daily for a neighbor when I was 14. I cared for their three children, ages six, four, and two. I have cared for these children on...
Leeanne can also help with: Meal prep, carpooling, light cleaning, swimming supervision, craft assistance, grocery shopping & more
FAQs for finding therapy dogs near you in Provo, UT
How can I find a therapy dog near me in Provo, UT?
To find a therapy dog near you in Provo, UT, all you have to do is log on to Care.com. You can search for therapy dogs in your area and can sort by location and price. You can read therapy dog provider profiles to learn more about their services and offerings and can even read reviews from other customers.
How much does it cost to hire a therapy dog and handler near me in Provo, UT?
The average cost of hiring a therapy dog and handler near you in Provo, UT is $17.34 per hour. However, that is just an average to give you an idea of where to get started. The cost of each individual therapy dog can vary by breed, by trainer, and by your specific location—amongst other factors.
What are the benefits of hiring a therapy dog near me in Provo, UT?
There are many different benefits of hiring a therapy dog near you in Provo, UT. To start, therapy dogs can provide comfort and support to people who are dealing with emotional challenges such as anxiety, depression, and stress. They can also help to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Therapy dogs have also been shown to have a positive effect on physical healing. They can help to lower blood pressure and reduce pain.
What type of training do therapy dogs near me in Provo, UT receive?
When you hire therapy dog near you in Provo, UT, they will have received extensive training, including basic obedience training, socialization, task-specific training, and certification. If you have specific requirements for therapy dogs, be sure to speak with their handler about your needs.
What can a therapy dog near me in Provo, UT help with?
When you go to buy a therapy dog near you in Provo, UT, you should interview a few different therapy dog providers to learn more about the specific training each therapy dog has. Some may focus on mental health issues, whereas others may be able to provide more physical support.