FAQs for finding reading tutors in Brooklyn, NY
How much do reading tutors charge near me in Brooklyn, NY?
Hiring a local reading tutor in Brooklyn, NY on Care.com will cost an average of $25.16 per hour as of November 2024. This rate may vary depending on the experience each candidate has, how often you will need them to help your child with reading and the age of your child.
How can I find a reading tutor near me in Brooklyn, NY?
Care.com currently has 574 reading tutors in Brooklyn, NY. You can search for candidates by their distance from Brooklyn and compare your options by hourly rate, the experience each reading tutor has and the specific skills they can teach. You can also see reviews from other families in Brooklyn that have worked with a reading tutor you're interested in.
What questions should I ask a potential reading tutor in Brooklyn, NY?
The goal of hiring a reading tutor is to improve your child's grades and vocabulary. Ask questions about the process each tutor uses to get these results from the kids they've worked with in the past. Also ask each reading tutor if they are familiar with some of the goals the schools in Brooklyn have. Finally, see how long they are willing to commit to helping your child with their reading tasks. Your child may only need a few tutoring sessions or long-term help with their reading that could require the tutor to stay with them the entire school year.
How can I safely hire a reading tutor for my child near me in Brooklyn, NY?
When hiring a reading tutor, parents are likely concerned about safety. To help you find a reading tutor safely near you in Brooklyn, NY, we ask all reading tutors listed on Care.com to complete a background check known as a CareCheck (look for a badge on their profile that shares when they had this background check run). However, to safely hire a reading tutor, we strongly advise you to do your own research by requesting references, interviewing multiple candidates, and running an independent background check.
What types of reading tutors near me in Brooklyn, NY can I hire?
With the help of Care.com, you can find the best reading tutors for your child. You can find tutors for reading at all levels. From learning how phonics work to improving reading comprehension. Once your child gets older, you may even want to switch to a writing tutor who can help them develop their writing skills alongside their reading comprehension skills.