10,316 private tutors are listed on Care.com
The average posted rate is $26/hr as of March 2025
The average star rating for rated private tutors is 4.8
Hired by 1 family in your neighborhood
Hired by 1 family in your neighborhood
Hired by 1 family in your neighborhood
From helping with homework to proofreading essays to making preparing for exams easier, there’s many different ways a private tutor can help a student. Sometimes some one-on-one instruction can make all the difference when a student is struggling to understand a certain subject.
10,316providers |
4.8 yrsavg. experience |
2,390member reviews |
4.8 / 5avg. rating |
Average Rating4.8 / 5
Private Tutors are rated 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 2,390 reviews of the 10,316 listed private tutors.