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Permanent (free) home on Bigtent for parents' group
By Vanessa H. on Fri Sep 20, 2013 at 6:23 AM EDT
Hi again ... Wanted to start a separate thread for this. We have a very active Moms group (playdates, parenting discussions, classified/freecycle, local business recommendations, etc.) here in my little area of Boston. I am hoping to recreate that in Pueblo when I move. The Boston group is hosted on Bigtent, which is free and a lot more user friendly than, say, Yahoo groups. If we communicate on Bigtent, we don't have to worry about keeping memberships alive just to stay in the group.

That said, I am entirely open to suggestions for other hosts for the group, or hearing about any other parenting groups that already exist for Pueblo families. (I found a Yahoo group for Colorado Springs, but that's too far away and doesn't seem active anyway.)

So, please, chime in with ideas, comments, questions...

Vanessa, mt ("Mom to") Riley (7) and Piper (14 months)
By Chenyl S. on Fri Sep 20, 2013 at 11:49 AM EDT
We could always start a group on Facebook. Almost everyone has one and it's free!