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Nanny Sharing - Spring 2020
By Aimee W. on Thu Jul 18, 2019 at 12:39 PM EDT
We are expecting our first child in late January 2020. We live in South City and I am starting to explore our childcare options. Nanny sharing would be my optimal situation, if we can find another family that is interested!
By Lauren S. on Thu Aug 8, 2019 at 12:15 PM EDT
Hi Aimee! I am in South City as well, due next month. We are looking for child care beginning in January 2020 but might be interested depending on who is available and the full time cost until you would be ready for sharing.
By Katelyn L. on Wed Oct 16, 2019 at 11:58 AM EDT
Hi Aimee and Lauren,

I am due with my first at the end of December and recently relocated to St. Louis. I am very interested in setting up a nanny share for spring of 2020 (ideally starting March or April, though we may have some flexibility). I live in tower grove south. Are either of you still interested in pursuing this?