Full Time
$17 – 20/hr
Miami, FL
DETAILS/OTHER REQUIREMENTS: This person must have their own car. They must be okay working in a home with dogs and stairs (ability to comfortably carry baby up and down stairs).
Duties include: caring for baby and housekeeping.
This person to assist with laundry/ironing, dishes, light cleaning, putting away groceries, organizing etc. when parents are with child.
Vehículo propio. Casa con perros y escaleras.
Deberes incluyen: cuidar al bebé y realizar tareas domésticas. Cuando el bebé está con los padres, ayudar con lavar /planchar ropa, los platos, la limpieza ligera, guardar los alimentos, preparar las comidas, organizar. LARGO PLAZA gracias.
Clean home, non-smoking, positive working environment.