Alzheimer And Dementia Care has the most respected in and out non medical health care providers. We provide outstanding care for those with Alzheimer's Dementia and related illness. Our experienced caregivers provide a wealth of services and are extremely loving, compassionate, friendly and caring.…
Integrity First Senior Care is a leading and innovative home care agency that specializes in Dementia Care and Behavior Management. Seniors and adults with disabilities can continue to live and maintain their dignity with our assistance. We help families build a foundation for communication and…
Our trained caregivers offer round-the-clock care for seniors and elders in the New York area. All of our caregivers are employees of Right at Home. To help ensure the safety and well being of our clients, we perform a criminal history background clearance and then cover each caregiver with general…
Concerned Home Managers for the Elderly (COHME) is a licensed non-profit home care agency in operation since 1984 providing home health aides to elders in their homes. Our mission is to provide excellent care to seniors and support to the home health aides. Our aides are fully screened and insured…