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Looking for summer sitter...
By Cindi S. on Tue Mar 18, 2014 at 11:14 AM EDT
I have 2 school aged boys that need summer care in my home.I am having the worst time getting applicants to respond or when they do apply, they do not respond back. too, they are 9 and 11 so places like gooddard, kindercare, are too young for them.Is there somewhere I can look up how to write an effective job description? Time is of the essence and I'd like to get a commitment by Mid April. Any suggestions is appreciated.
By Margaret H. on Wed May 7, 2014 at 10:30 AM EDT
Hey there -

A few things to consider: 1) I think people may not have been looking for summer jobs that far ahead. I posted at the end of April, and got LOTS of responses. 2) I had several candidates comment on how much they liked my profile - I tried to include lots of information about my son (disposition, interests, disabilities and therapies received, etc.). I also mentioned the places we have memberships (the pool, the Zoo, COSI, etc.) so nannies knew they weren't going to be expected to just entertain my little guy at home all the time. Because your nanny is practically going to be a member of the family, you want to give them some idea that working for the family and working with your kids will (hopefully) be fun and not just drudgery.