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Looking for Nanny Share Family
By Jean P. on Tue Apr 5, 2016 at 1:04 PM EDT
Looking for a family to join our nanny share. Our little boy is 10 months old. We live in south Boulder and have a WONDERFUL nanny who comes to our home Mon-Fri from 7am-3pm. She is willing to extend timing somewhat to accommodate commute if needed.

Happy to host the share at our home, or trade off with another home in or near Boulder. We have 2 very gentle, elderly cats.

Share is $10/hour/family. Looking to share 30-40 hours. Please contact me if you think this could work for your family.
By Annie C. on Sat Dec 3, 2016 at 12:20 PM EST
Hi Jean, I see your post is from a while ago, but in case you are still looking for a nanny share family, we are moving to the area and are looking for one. We have an 18-month-old and another child expected in May that would need care later in the summer. We may need more extended hours than ending at 3 PM, but could possibly work with that. $10/hour per family is very doable.

Please let me know of you are still seeking a nanny share family!
By Samara K. on Tue Feb 20, 2018 at 12:00 PM EST

I know this thread is rather old by this point but I thought I'd chime in nonetheless! My husband and I are both professors and will be spending a 6-month sabbatical in Boulder. We're very interested in finding a nanny share for our 2 young boys (the youngest will be 10 months and the eldest 2.5 yrs).

I'd love to know if either of you are still interested!

Many thanks,