My Groups@Care > Central New Jersey Families > Discussions > Long-time Nanny available in September
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Long-time Nanny available in September
By Josh S. on Tue Jul 29, 2014 at 4:30 PM EDT
I am writing this referral on behalf of our long-time nanny Ann Marie. With our four year old in Kindergarten and our two old starting preschool this Fall we have made the tough decision to move forward without her. Ann Marie started working for us right after my first son Jeremiah was born in 2009. He was a thirty two week preemie and she handled that challenge effortlessly from the beginning and also later when he was going through various therapies. She handled appointments and kept me in the loop when I couldn't be there.

She is patient with Jeremiah and Eli while at the same time she has played and entertained them she has also been a gentle teacher. Everyone comments on how well behaved and polite my kids are and that is in no part thanks to Ann Marie or Ama as they like to call her. She has taken them to classes, arranged play dates and navigated playground politics with grace. For the past year, we participated in a share with another family and she aced that transition.

She is very dependable, in the last four years I can count on one hand the days she has missed work. Ann Marie is also a very experienced nanny. She has been a baby nurse and worked with children with severe allergies and developmental challenges. She is equally comfortable leading or following which has been a comfort to me as a new Mom and now as a more experienced Mom. We have always had a open and communicative relationship. I really feel she laid the ground work for everyone in our family to grow and learn.

She came to me with great references, so please feel free to contact me to discuss further details. We are sad to see her go, but are confident that she will be an asset to the next lucky family. Her email address is and her phone number is 862-902-9551.

Stephanie (Mom to Jeremiah & Eli)
By Margarita D. on Sat Aug 30, 2014 at 9:44 AM EDT
What town? I'm looking for 2 boys in Chatham.
By Caroline C. on Mon Sep 1, 2014 at 10:25 PM EDT

did you find out?

I'm Madison NJ and am looking for a nanny share option.

