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Lafayette Families Groups - Meet and Greet / Play Groups ...
By Kathryn C. on Tue Jun 11, 2013 at 1:05 AM EDT
I would LOVE to see more "Close" Groups of Mom's supporting other Mom's by getting to know each other, getting our Little One's together for some "Play" in safe areas and just spending some time getting to know one another as Mother's/Women and Human Beings who hold a tremendous amount of the World on our shoulders. I feel we can ALL be of great support to one another no matter WHAT the issue(s), if any, may be and I truly believe that we can NEVER have "too many Friends"!! There are always times that we can use some support, real POSITIVE, loving and non-judgemental support and we can START a Group / Get-together with these FIRST in mind, I think this would be a great idea for Lafayette, LA Mom's.

If any other Momma's in Lafayette would be interested in setting something up maybe somewhere at Gerard Park or another Park, let me know!! I would be more than happy to organize some games/snacks for our Kids and some Coffee and/or Tea (other choices?) for us Mom's and finding a spot for the kiddies and US to get together!!

I think we could ALL use the support/Friendship should we make some and just an ole' fashioned "break" with some ADULT WOMEN TIME would be wonderful for us all! Who knows what could come out of that from just one meeting with a bunch of us!? Lord KNOWS, we never get NEAR enough time to just spend time with some positive talk and lifting ourselves UP as Women and Mother's! Our hearts and souls NEED that!

Let me know and we'll go from there!!

A "Navy" Wife and Mother of two young Daughters in Lafayette, LA

Kathryn (Katie)

Look forward to hearing from at LEAST some Mom's!!
By Robin S. on Thu Aug 14, 2014 at 11:53 AM EDT
Kathryn, I think you have a great idea. I came across this when I was looking for Groups of Parents with kids with down Syndrome to visit with. Just wanted to say "Hi" and thanks for your reaching out.