Full Time
$25 – 25/hr
Newton, NJ
My identical twin brother Anthony has his own two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment in the Water Street Lofts in Newton, NJ. We are looking for someone to work overnights, 5 days nights per week. It will be 40 hours weekly, and you will receive $25 per hour. Additionally, Anthony is open to a live-in caretaker, in the right situation, with the right person. In a live-in scenario, you would receive well over six figures, but would be responsible for some daytime care as well, and would have to pay half of the rent/utilities. During the night, Anthony requires help turning over, onto his side and back, for his comfort. He may also, occasionally, need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. In a live-in situation, you would assist with toileting, showering, dressing, preparing meals, light cleaning, laundry, getting medication, etc. Please contact me ASAP if you are interested in either role (overnights or live-in)!