Full Time
$14 – 19/hr
Bloomsburg, PA
Hello! My name is Taylor, my husband (Manny) and I just got new jobs, we both work 12 hour shifts, his are set days while mine I get my schedule monthly. He works 5a-5p every day, and my shifts are 7p-7a. For a good amount of our shifts they don't overlap and we don't need childcare, however some days we overlap in the morning before I'm home and after he leaves, and some days we just need childcare all day. A super odd schedule I know, but we wouldn't need TOO many days hopefully.
Our daughter is H, she's 15 months old. She's walking and not really talking yet. She's super silly and pretty cuddly, definitely wary of strangers so she'd take a little to adjust to you. We have 2 cats but until they warm up to you, you probably won't see them.