Full Time
$22 – 24/hr
Minneapolis, MN
We are looking for a loving, attentive nanny for our 9-month-old daughter, 2-3 days per week. The days are flexible as her grandparents will be watching her the other 2-3 days. The most important thing to us is that our daughter feels loved and safe. She is a happy baby who is active and curious. She naps well and has a good routine. She is also learning to eat through baby-led weaning, so CPR training is important. We'd love to find someone who will read books to R, sing to her, and take her for walks outside. We'd also love to find someone open to bringing R to library story time. My husband works from home, and we have a small, hypoallergenic rescue dog. R usually sleeps a total of 2-3 hours between two naps and we'd love for a round of dishes to be done during that time, but we don't expect any heavy cleaning.