Part Time
$15 – 16/hr
Grand Junction, CO
Our 9-month-old boy is sweet as can be! Mom will be working from home and needs help during the bulk of the work day to keep baby entertained. He loves to play, go for stroller walks, read, eat and nap. Mom plans to breastfeed throughout the day, but the occasional bottle may need to be given.
Right now, baby is taking two naps a day, usually starting around 10 and 2:30. We use wake windows as a guide but mostly go off cues. Same with eating- he nurses or takes a bottle about every 2-3 hours. Eating solids for breakfast and dinner, but will likely be adding a consistent lunch here soon.
We do have a dog that doesnt need care and is sweet with the baby, but careful supervision when baby is crawling around her just in case.
I think hes a pretty easygoing and happy baby :)