Home School vs. Public School
By Jennifer M.
on Mon Sep 5, 2011
at 1:26 AM EDT
I've been very torn recently when think about school for the future regarding my daughter. She's 1. I know I'm still 4 years away, but based on how her first year just flew by, those 4 years will be here before I know it. I'm finding more and more people who are going the home school route with their kids. I've always been against it because I want my kid(s) to interact with other kids to learn social skills, however, with the current state of our education system in CA, maybe home school will give them a better education. Then again, maybe things will change in 4 years. I don't know.
By Jackie C.
on Mon Sep 5, 2011
at 1:44 PM EDT
Hi Jennifer, This is a topic that I think about frequently. I believe that the most important job we have as parents- particularly Christian parents is to prepare our children for becoming the person God made them to be: morally, spiritually and socially. Right now, I have both my girls in a Christian preschool and I feel comfortable in the values that they are helping the children practice everyday: showing respect, kindness, using good manners, learning about key biblical characters and virtues like faithfulness and obedience. There are some good public elementary schools where an individual teacher may emphasis these same virtues and character traits. If I could not find a school that provides a basic structure that emphasizes good honest social values that help the child to take ownership for his or her actions and challenges them to be a better person in the classroom and out, then I would definitely considering homeschooling.
There are so many factors to consider but I think the route to homeschooling is worth serious and long consideration. We are a family of modest means and there are some outstanding schools that mirror what I as a parent want. However, the distance and the cost may not be a realistic option for three kids.... that is why the older they get and the more influenced they are by their peer group, the more homeschooling is an option that I would look carefully into.
On a side note, I heard that schools in the area like Redwood Christian and others have a homeschooling option, whereby the child would be considered a student of the school, have the same assignments, etc but be at home. I have yet to look into that.