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Marcelo E.
1180 Uccle, Bruxelles-Capitale
À partir de 10 /heure
année d'exp.
À partir de 10
Tarif horaire
Taux de réponse

A propos de Marcelo

21 ans Parle espagnol anglais allemand
My name is Marcelo and I'd love to take care of your child! Can you tell me more about your needs and what your expecting? My experience as a babysitter started with my little sister, whom I took care of regularly since she was born. Then I have also work with different families (I have references). I love the way kids always have a unique perspective of the world, and I find it a great honor to be part of the essential years of their initial formation. I love artistic activities and board games that stimulate creative thinking. I also enjoy cooking and can manage other requested tasks. I'm currently trying to save some money for my studies in a way I enjoy and I am familiar with. I come from Peru, so my mother language is Spanish, but I also speak English, German, and basic French. Don't hesitate to write me if you have any further questions.
Non-fumeur A l'aise avec les animaux

Possède une expérience dans la garde de

jeunes enfants (4 à 6 ans)
tout petits (1 à 3 ans)
pré-ados / ados (plus de 12 ans)
écoliers (7 à 11 ans)
Peut garder 1 enfant


Activités (piscine...)
Cuisine / Préparation des repas
Ménage léger
Garde en ligne
Aide aux devoirs
Mettre les enfants au lit


Diplôme professionnel