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Certificate in Novel Writing Course IV: The Aftermath
by San Jose Area Writing Project
Curriculum at a Glance Spring Semester – Course 4: The Aftermath In Novel IV, young authors will learn how to steer their explosive climaxes into emotionally satisfying endings. A particular focus will be on whole-novel and character arcs, making sure young authors are creating dynamic characters with complete emotional arcs and storylines are thorough and lack plot holes. After novel completion, we’ll have a strong focus on self and peer editing, guiding novelists to look at their finished products with a critical eye while not losing their personal voices in the editing process. The course runs from February 3, 2024 - April 27, 2024. Note the later event date is to give late registrants additional time to enroll. In addition. there will be 3 live zoom classes with our Authors in Residence for the Teen Writer's Salon with dates TBD.
Ages 14-18 years
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