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Shanley S.
Kelston 0602, Auckland
From $10 /hr
years exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Shanley

27 years old
Currently studying a cert in Animal Care part time online. NZ European, resides in West Auckland. I grew up with cats, looked after my neighbours 2 cats a few times a year and as a teenager solo cared for a stray- she got cancer which was a new experience for me. End of life care and degrading health is tough when you've bonded so much. I am 188 cm tall and currently work as a kitchen hand in a small private school, I interact with children regularly that are 4 - 13 years old. I serve them a variety of lunch meals and help out with a veriety of tasks. In doing this job I lift heavier items and have gained a fair amount of strength. I'm not super use to large dogs but I want to be. Other than that, I love to learn, and care about nature. Currently don't have a car/drivers license but I can walk pretty easily around most of Auckland and use public transport often. Always working to better myself and am very curious. In my free time I like to use my PC, draw, read books, listening to classic rock/ varied music, watching movies. I would love to care for animals more often.
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Small dogs < 10 kg

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $10 / visit
Walking $10 / walk
Overnight sitting $22 / night