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Rocio M.
Clondalkin-Ballymount D22, Dublin
From 6 /hr
years exp.
From 6
Hourly rate

About Rocio

30 years old
For several years, I've been taking care of pets for friends and family, usually for one or two weeks at a time. During this time, I've done all sorts of tasks like feeding, bathing, and giving oral medication to both cats and dogs. I'm a vegetarian, and my love for animals is a big part of why I chose this lifestyle when I was 15. I also volunteered at a dog shelter for a year, where I learned the basics of dog care and behavior. At home, I've always had dogs and cats, and they've all lived happily together with other animals. I really care about making sure pets feel safe and loved when their owners aren't around, and I always make sure they have fresh water and good food.

Experience caring for

Small dogs < 10 kg
Medium dogs: 10-20 kg

Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding €6 / visit
Walking €7 / walk
Overnight sitting €25 / night
Day care €25 / day